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Seared Grouper Cheeks and Prosciutto Frazzles in Parmesan Baskets with Truffle Oil

8 oz Parmigiano Reggiano
4 slices of prosciutto
1 bag of ready to use small leaf salad
4 Grouper Cheeks cut into thirds or quarters (bite sized) seasoned with salt and pepper
a liitle Truffle Oil
a little olive oil
a few teaspoons of cream cheese

Preheat an oven to about 180 deg and these first stages can be done well in advance.

Brush a baking tray with olive oil and lay slices of airdried ham or prosciutto on it. Bake them just until they are crispy, remove from the oven and put them to one side on some kitchen paper to cool
Arrange the parmesan cheese into 4 circles on baking parchment and bake gently until melted and golden, no more otherwise it may go bitter.

Once cooked remove them from the oven and allow to cool for just 20-30 seconds. Whilst they are still pliable, lift the circles of parmesan off with a spatula and form them over upturned teacups to make a basket shape! Now with the hardest part done you can finish the dish at the last moment.

Heat a dry frying pan to medium hot. Whilst it is warming, take four plates and put a half teaspoon of cream cheese into the centre and use it to stick the parmesan basket in place.

Fill each basket two/thirds full with salad leaves. Snap each piece of the frazzled ham in half and arrange that also in the baskets.
Now that the pan is hot, add a teaspoon of olive oil to the pan and fry the seasoned grouper cheeks for just 2 minutes on each side.
Place 3 pieces of fish in each basket and finish with a drizzle of truffle oil.